About Journal


Journal of Visualized Medicine

The Journal of Visualized Medicine (J Vis Med / JoVM) is the first-ever video journal of education and pedagogy in Iran, published by Smart University of Medical Sciences (SMUMS). In this journal video components, animations and podcasts are published from educational research, reports and scientific articles. The Journal seeks to provide its readers with the highest quality scientific information, published through a process of peer review and editorial comments. JoVM is an open access, international, peer-reviewed journal. The journal’s full text is available online at “https://jovm.smums.ac.ir”. 

While the Smart University of Medical Sciences (SMUMS) is responsible for scientific decision makings, the journal is sponsored by Farname Inc. The indexing and technical process of publication is done by Farname Inc

The journal allows free access to its contents. The journal’s content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) 4.0 International License which permits third parties to share and adapt the content for non-commercial purposes by giving the appropriate credit to the original work.

The Policy of Screening for Plagiarism
J Vis Med is extremely sensitive about plagiarism. All authors are strongly recommended to check their manuscripts content before submission to the journal for publication.
All submitted manuscripts to the journal will be checked against Plagiarism before publishing using i

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and any problems, please contact us via Email (jovm.smums@gmail.com).


Full Journal Title:  Journal of Visualized Medicine
Owner and Sci. Organization:  Smart University of Medical Sciences (SMUMS)
Sci. Publisher:  Farname Inc. (Science-Based Research Institute; Professional Publisher of Scientific Journals)
Scientific Research Approval:  Will be announced
Abbreviation Title:  ISO 4: J. Vis. Med. | JoVM
Category:  Artificial Intelligence/ Biotechnology/ Dentistry/ Health Science/ Medical Education
 Medicine (Basic Science)/ Medicine (Clinical Science)/ Pharmacy/ Regenerative Medicine
Online ISSN:  3041-9727
Language:  English 
Journal Country/Territory:  Iran & Canada
Frequency/ Publication Period:  Continuous
Online Submission:  Via the journal website
Distribution:  15% in Europian countries, 15% in USA & Canada, and 70% in the Middle East and Middle Asia​
Release type:  Open Access
Price:  Online: Free 
Indexing:  Publihser[at]farname-inc.com & farname.inc[at]gmail.com